good question!... LOL
so as of today i am hiring new hoax blokes. if u would like to apply, please answer the following questions BELOW! i already answered the questions as examples but if you do them make sure to delete my answrs because obviously those are my answers and yours will be different unless we are very similar which in that case LOL ur hired!!
1. whats ur favorite food???
my favorite food is the burritos at chipotle they are so good..... i should get a job at chipotle just to steal all the burrito ingredients..... hm that would be illegal but it would also be a pretty rad hoax!! (u have to admit)
2. whats ur favorite hoax blokes episode..?
my favorite episode of the HOAX BLOKES (tm) would have to be episode 7.. its a really funny episode i knocked on this guy's door and he answered but i was gone by the time he got there so he probably thought it was a ghost.. but just to clarify it wasn't a ghost it was me literaly lmao...
3. what would u change about urself if you could change one thing about yourself?!
i would settle down with a nice girl in the country side :-( thats not even a hoax im so lonely