Friday, June 14, 2013


hey guys im thinking about changing the name from hoax blokes to one of the following: gag dads, pranka wankas, hi-jinx minks (The two living species referred to as "mink" are the European mink and the American mink. The extinct sea mink is related to the American mink, but was much larger. All three species are dark-colored, semiaquatic, carnivorous mammals of the family Mustelidae, which also includes the weasels, otters and ferrets. The American mink is larger and more adaptable than the European mink. It is sometimes possible to distinguish between the European and American mink; a European mink always has a large white patch on its upper lip, while the American species sometimes does not. Thus, any mink without such a patch can be identified with certainty as an American mink, but an individual with a patch cannot be certainly identified without looking at the skeleton. Taxonomically, both American and European mink used to be placed in the same genus, Mustela (weasels), but most recently the American mink has been reclassified as belonging to its own genus, Neovison.) (from wikipedia FYI) (i will probably keep that all in the name just so ppl know what a mink is), bollocks and rollicks, the JOKES blokes, the FUNNY jokes blokes, the foolery jewlery, shenanimans, the captains of what-just-happened, or my personal favorite, huey lewis and the ruse -- some kind of blunderful (YES i know that was a cover WHATEVER stop sending me angry e-mails).

also i might just go by randy to make a name for myself

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